Saturday, January 16, 2010

Windows are the eyes of the house. (pt1)

The title of this page comes from one of the many real estate agents with whom we have dealt over the years.  If that is the case this house was an albino.  About halfway through the stage Frances commented that she didn't think the woodwork had been repainted at any stage since it had been built: for some of it that means 20 years rather than the 3 years I referred to, which is our period of occupation.  (That now seems amazing: it seems like yesterday we moved in!)
This is how the windows looked before being repainted (but with the masking tape in place ).  There are many little bits of wood and they didn't behave consistently when being redone.  In some cases a piece would soak up paint like a straw in a milkshake.  The piece next door would almost repel the paint.
A further issue was the number of planes (ie faces in the woodwork) that needed to be covered.  In an area of the sunroom which I did there were approximately 16 faces around some of the panes of glass.  To say the least this was very fiddly.    (I only did the high bits of this work, as Frances is more temperamentally suited to 'fiddly work'.  She is however averse to bendy ladders!)

Although the job had some problems the payoff was rather great in terms of the improvement in appearance .  Contrast the image
 to the right with that above.

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