Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blue Poles

When we were contemplating the colour that we would use for the blue stuff Frances tried it out on one of the uprights.  It looked rather splendid so we decided it was the go.

The blue colour we chose has a tinge of lavender in it.   This is generated by the presence of some magenta in the mix.  This separates out when the pant isn't stirred a great deal leading to very pretty effects as we stirred it.

Having got one blue pole led us  to start by doing all the uprights as the first part of the project so that they looked consistent. 

Apparently some dude by the name of Pollock came up with Blue Poles for the title of one of his works but I reckon ours look just as nice.  I also recall a friend using that as the model for the decor of his dunny (aka Bog/loo/bathroom/kazi).  Not a good place to go after several of his good wines.There will be more of Mr Pollock towards the end of this blog.

Here are some views of how they look with the job done!

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